
BENTLEY is an attractive hamlet, set in the meadows of the River Wey, which has become more sought after since the bypass put the A31 further east. There are one or two discreet modern estates and a small Charles Church development of large four-bedroom houses with double garages, selling at around £595,000. Smaller, three-bedroom, period terraced cottages may be bought for around £239,000. Jane Austen’s brother was once curate of Bentley; Robert Baden-Powell lived in Pax Hill house; and a director of the White Star Shipping line, owners of the Titanic, lived at the big house, Jenkyn Place. It is has a primary school and shop and strong sense of community, one reason why it was made the subject of the BBC Radio 4 programme The Village. The station is some distance away near Alice Holt forest.

Good for: A31.

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London terminal: Waterloo
Journey time: 66 mins
Season ticket: £3080
Peak trains: 2 per hour
Off-peak trains: 1 per hour

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